About Us

An image of product bottles and text "Dr Skincare"

Dr Skincare is an affiliate marketing website dedicated to Doctor and Dermatologist skin care products and brands only, because we believe the products you put on your skin should be created by those with a medical background. We created Dr Skincare through our own frustration with purchasing skincare products recommended by celebrity endorsers and influencer marketers that just didn’t work. Time and time again we would buy the latest cleanser, beauty fad or age prevention serum, whilst not educating ourselves on whether it was the best product for our skin. We now know, through research, that dermatologist skin care products and doctor skin care brands provide us with higher quality skin care products, advice and formulas. 

 As Postgraduate Digital Marketing students, we understand the importance of brand credibility and authenticity, which evoked this idea of not only better informing ourselves about the scientific background behind the skin care products we are purchasing, but sharing this with you!

We focused our skin care product and brand research on experts and professionals within the cosmetology industry and soon discovered that many had developed and perfected their own skincare brands. It was a lightbulb moment as we realised we had been relying on inexperienced content creators rather than medical professionals, to provide us with skin care products and advice

At Dr Skincare, our mission is simple: to celebrate individuality and empower our readers to find confidence, community, and joy through self-care. Our hair, our facial features, our bodies: they can reflect culture, sexuality, race, even politics. We believe when it comes to our skin care —from how products are chosen for review, to why we write the things we do — the more transparency, the better. That’s why we feel it’s important to share exactly how we go about doing what we do: from how we create our content to who’s behind it and more. 

Our promise is to you is also simple, provide you with our recommendations of the best doctor and dermatologist skin care products and brands on the market. You can browse our carefully researched and curated list of doctor and dermatologist skin care brands and products here

We also want to be completely honest and transparent with you: as an affiliate marketing website, we earn a small commission from the products you purchase from our site.

Disclaimer: We do not claim to be doctors or administer medical advice.