Happy Monday everyone! In the run up to Amazon Prime Day (Tuesday 12th & Wednesday 13th of July), we thought we could have a bit of fun with a skincare quiz! Let’s find out what your skincare routine says about you in six questions… Our questions and answers are all lighthearted, but in fact there is some psychology behind about what your skincare routine says about your personality… So, let’s get into it, here are our questions (remember to keep track of your answers!)

What Your Skincare Routine Says About You…
Question 1:
How often do you practice your skincare routine?
A. Every morning and night without fail, obviously!
B. Once a day, either morning or night.
C. Every couple of days.
D. When my skin feels problematic or needs a boost.
Question 2:
How many steps are in your skincare routine?
A. More than 5, but less than 10! (unless I’m double cleansing)
B. 4 key steps, but more when I add in my exfoliation every other day!
C. 3 main steps that I always follow
D. 2, cleanse and moisturise
Question 3:
How often do you typically replace your skincare products?
A. Every month, I use so much so often that I always have monthly empties!
B. Every two months consistently, I only use what I need and as directed to save waste
C. Every couple of months…I think?
D. I just pick up what I need when I need it, I don’t keep track
Question 4:
How much does brand name mean to you?
A. A lot. I know what’s good, and that typically doesn’t include an “own brand” line.
B. Quite a bit. From what I know the bigger the brand name, the better the product.
C. A little. My products are a mix of both big brand and own brand – I find they both do the trick!
D. Nothing. Most of my products are what fit in my budget, and that doesn’t include big brands.
Question 5:
Do you know about the ingredients in your products and what they do?
A. Of course! I know what mixes and what doesn’t, my routine changes daily because of this.
B. I know not to mix vitamin c with retinol, so I don’t!
C. I think so, I know the basics but my routine isn’t complicated enough to worry
D. No. I just avoid what I know irritates my skin, like perfumes.
Question 6:
What influences your skincare routine?
A. Reading blogs, watching YouTube, social media and anything else that talks about new products!
B. I follow a lot of social media pages dedicated to skincare and that’s where I get most of my inspo
C. My friends mainly, and the odd social media or google search
D. What it says on the tin, if my skin is dry and I need moisturiser, I buy one.
Skincare Routine Quiz Answers
Mostly A’s – The Connoisseur

If you got mostly A’s you are in fact a skincare conniseur! To you, skincare is no joke, you take what you put on that gorgeous skin of yours seriously and so you should! You know your toners from your exfoliants, moisturisers from your day creams, vitamin C from vitamin E – the list goes on! You love trying new products, expanding your routine and glowing all year long!
Mostly B’s – The Trend Seeker

If you got mostly B’s you know and care enough about your skin care routine to follow it every day and are open to the idea of new products… you trend seeker! You know enough to not cross over certain ingredients, but your skin changes quickly and you have adapted to this! With various cleansers, toners and moisturisers in your drawer, you have so many pots to choose from when you’re faced with various problems!
Mostly C’s – The Pragmatist

If you got mostly C’s it is clear to see that you are a pragmatist! You have a well established skin-care routine that you rarely expand, and when you do it’s only when necessary. The routine is so routine that you think you’ve struck gold when your fav products are on offer – time to stockpile! You also never have to worry about reacting badly to a new product, and your routine and products are so well established that you rarely come up against any pesky skin challenges – yay!
Mostly D’s – The Minimalist

If you got mostly D’s you are the minimalist! Your skincare routine is hardly a routine, but it is routine for you and it works. With no complicated products or steps, you’re also probably fortunate enough to have unproblematic skin all year round. The price is low, but the reward is high for you with your simplistic routine, no fuss!
So, take from that what you may, we are most definitely Connoisseurs here at Dr Skincare… let us know what you are in the comments below!
We loved this post! As makeup aficionados, we know how important it is to keep your skin healthy. Dry skin can and spots can make your makeup look cakey – and we don’t want that;) Thanks again for this awesome post, we look forward to reading more.