Introducing La Roche Posay

The history of La Roche-Posay dates back to the 14th century, yes that is correct – the 14th century! During this time, a French nobleman called Bertrand Du Guesclin unearthed the thermal springs of La Roche-Posay when looking for a drink of water. And in line with the stories, it was Du Guesclin’s horse that ultimately provided proof of the healing properties of La Roche-Posay’s thermal spring waters. It is said that the horse suffered from severe eczema, but after immersing itself in the water the eczema was cured. 

By the 17th century, word of the healing spring waters had spread. A doctor to Henry IV and Louis XIII travelled to La Roche-Posay thermal spring waters to further analyse and evaluate the water, finding that the spring was characteristically rich in Selenium (an antioxidant which reduces inflammation and enhances immune response). Providing proof that this body of water had natural healing properties. 

General Napoleon Bonaparte (a French military leader who conquered large areas of Europe in the early 19th century) returned to La Roche-Posay at the beginning of the 19th century to construct a thermal hospital dedicated to the treatment of his soldier’s skin ailments and diseases. And by 1897 this site was officially recognised by the French Academy of Medicine. In 1905, a team of Dermatologists and the thermal hospital opened a Thermal Centre whereby patients would be treated specifically for skin disorders, namely eczema and psoriasis and by 1913 the town of La-Roche Posay had been officially recognised and announced as ‘the Town of La Roche-Posay, a Thermal Spa Town. 

The brand’s history is long, and extremely impressive, all founded upon this extraordinary healing water. Today, La Roche-Posay Thermal Centre is Europe’s leading thermal dermatology centre for sensitive skin conditions, seeing around 8,000 visitors per year. 

Brand Beginnings & Memorable Moments 

La Roche-Posay Laboratoire Dermatologique was born in 1975 with the aim to create and develop skincare products from the thermal waters of La Roche-Posay, specifically for dermatologists to use on their patients (especially those with sensitive skin). By 2006, the brand had transformed the sunscreen market with the introduction of their innovative and unique SPF Anthelios, containing Mexoryl SX™ – a sun filter within the formula with the capacity to protect against both short and long UVA rays, which was a game changing product which the brand brought to market at this time. And just like that, the brand is renowned for not only its rich history but its ability to innovate within its product category also. 

And by 2008, the brand was combining sun filters with antioxidants in their sunscreen products, not only does this provide the skin with protection against both UVA and UVB rays, but a combined sun filter and antioxidant product protects the skin from ‘free radicals’ (unstable atoms that can damage cells, cause illness or accelerate ageing) caused by the sun. Subsequently the Anthelios Cell-Ox Shield was born. 

Why it’s Dr Skincare 

La Roche Posay as a brand is one of our all-time favourites. Why? Because it made dermatologically-developed skincare accessible and affordable to all. The brand works with dermatologists from the countries where the brand is sold to generate and develop products which prioritise safety and efficacy for users. Focussing on the creation of minimalist formulas with dermatologist approved, hand-picked ingredients which are dedicated to sensitive skin. When selecting ingredients, an ingredient exclusion list is also suggested by Dermas working on the formula to ensure any irritative ingredients are avoided. When it comes to product testing, the products are dermatologically-tested on those with atopic or reactive skin before being analysed and evaluated in an extensive process of clinical testing and trials. 

Why La Roche Posay? 

This brand puts the customer first, ensuring all their products are widely accessible and affordable – which we love, because we know how costly it can be to keep your skin routine and products up-to-date! All of their products are perfect for those with dry, cracked, sensitive skin but also for those with normal, oily or combination skin types. So, no matter who you are and what your skin is like, this brand is for you! Additionally, they have some of THE BEST and most innovative SPF products on the market which we LOVE! But not only us, Scotland’s very own beauty Guru Jamie Genevieve swears by La Roche Posay and you often see their products in many of her Vlogs and social media posts using post and pre-makeup application! So, as we always say… Don’t just take it from us! 

We’ve put together a list of some of our favourite La Roche Posay products, including their game-changing Anthelios SPFs and their sought after Toleriane collection which you can browse more of here.

2 thoughts on “Introducing La Roche Posay

  1. Loved this blog entry! Really interesting to learn about the La Roche Posay brand. Had always seen celebrities promote it but that’s all I knew about it. I think sometimes finding out about a brand’s history and the process that goes into making their products can really help influence purchase decisions – and I’m now excited to shop their range.

    1. Thank you so much for your fantastic comment! We are glad you feel fully up-to-date on La Roche Posse’s brand history and heritage now, it’s quite the story! Let us know what product you try if you do.

      Dr Skincare X

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