Dr Lancer: Dermatologist to the Stars

Celebrities such as Kim Kardashian, Victoria Beckham, and Margot Robbie have all been linked to the Lancer skincare clinic and product range. The brand was founded by Dr. Harold Lancer, a dermatologist taking Holywood by storm!

Inspired by a Childhood Experience

Dr. Harold Lancer was inspired by a childhood experience with a serious burn. He fell into a tub of near-boiling water at seven years old, and 10% of his body was burnt. This personal experience awakened him to human skin’s amazing natural healing abilities, he was hooked! Seeing his own skin recover from injuries provided him with a unique perspective on what makes skin attractive, and pushed Dr. Lancer to pursue a career in skin restoration and healing. Since childhood, the doctor was fascinated by skin healing, aging, differences amongst people, and how skincare has evolved.

Clinical Researcher

After years of clinical practice and research-led Dr. Lancer to the conclusion that many skincare products on the market were ineffective in reviving skin. As a result, he created The Lancer Method, which harnesses the skin’s natural healing abilities. The program’s three-step routine – polish, cleanse, and nourish – is specifically designed to help you keep your young glow or easily reverse the signs of aging. Whether you have normal, dehydrated, sensitive, or blemish-prone skin, the Method approach is designed to give smooth, radiant results. Compared to other skincare brands, his approach is neither theoretical nor scientific. Rather, for the past three decades, direct experience in everyday patient care has provided Dr. Lancer with incredible chances for observation and innovative solutions. All discoveries and ideas have grown out of my daily interactions with patients. This commitment to researching has helped Lancer create effective therapies for the myriad skin disorders that prevent people from feeling and looking their best, including the effects of aging.

Lancer Skincare Brand is Born

Dr. Lancer developed his own line of products in 1985 with the iconic Lancer Method formula. Since then, Dr. Lancer has successfully brought to life his philosophy of “From Practice To Product”, developing a full range of award-winning, at-home products that each individually simulate services provided to clients at the Lancer Dermatology Clinic in Beverly Hills. All skincare products from Lancer take a minimalistic approach, which allows you to achieve clinical-grade results at home!

Why Lancer?

This brand isn’t just another skincare brand, this brand was created by someone with the highest level of medical and dermatology experience. Dr. Lancer is recognized globally for his commitment to dermatology research and his passion for making people feel confident in their own skin. From his childhood experience, watching his skin naturally heal from a burn incident, to more recently, working with the Victoria Beckham and Kim Kardashian on their skin concerns, we challenge you to find a more qualified person to be overseeing the ingredients and products which go on your face!

Click here for all Dr Skincare’s most cherished Lancer skincare products.