A Simple Overview Of Dermalogica Skincare

Dermalogica simple skincare

The Dermalogica brand derives from humble beginnings. We aim to give you a simple overview of Dermalogica skincare and how it evolved into the brand it is today.

Start Of The Dermalogica Journey

The Dermalogica brand was founded In 1986 by Scottish-born entrepreneur, Jane Wurwand. Compared to other brands at the time, Dermalogica offered a minimalist approach to skincare, eliminating artificial fragrances, colors, and common skin irritants – which were commonly used in the industry at the time. 

The brand’s motto focused on promoting healthy skin over beauty and soon became renowned as the beauty industry’s go-to brand for professional results. Today, Dermalogica is the leading brand that professional skin therapists use worldwide and has been chosen to feature on Dr. Skincare for its continuing strong reputation in the industry.

Dermalogica Skin Care Education

The Dermalogica product range diversified out of Jane’s desire to offer skincare professionals the best products to complement their education in all things skin. The brand still provides skills-based training for its worldwide network of skin care professionals.
Dermalogica believes that it is important to choose your products based on skin type. Some conditions include combination, oily or dry skin. Everyone is different and your skin type can often cause you to experience other problems like acne and irritation.

Determine Your Skin type with Dermalogica 

Compared to other skincare brands, Dermalogica offers a unique analysis tool called Face Mapping that provides an insight into your skin’s past and present state. Face mapping also includes a list of lifestyle questions to help the therapist determine the best skin care for your unique skin. The results may mean you need to focus on different treatments for different areas of your face.

Dermalogica Clean Brand Credential Since 1986

Since the beginning, Dermalogica has been committed to reducing their carbon footprint by eliminating packaging waste, overproduction, and double-handling of their products. As part of a continuing desire to create a cleaner planet for future generations, by 2025 Dermalogica also aims to surpass a range of sustainability goals which highlight the strong ethics and values associated with the brand.

“As a global brand, we’re acutely aware of the impact that our actions can have on the environment, and so we are committed to an ambitious new Healthy Skin, Healthy Planet initiative.”

Dermalogica (2022)

Dermalogica for normal combination skin

The majority of us struggle with multiple skin issues that require tailored products.. When you consider all that your skin has to deal with, it’s no wonder that it has a variety of problems. It’s constantly battling the weather, internal and external stress, hormones, trying to stay hydrated and well-oiled but not too oily, while regenerating and trying to keep an even tone and fight breakouts. Dermalogica offer targeted products suited to normal/combination skin which are detailed below:

Dermalogica for breakout prone skin

Dermalogica believe that knowledge is power when it comes to managing acne-prone skin and outbreaks! You will get much closer to clearing your skin of acne and breakouts if you understand the whats, whys, hows, and whichs of acne and breakout treatment. Even that friend of yours who always seems to have “beautiful” skin gets spots. Why? because sebaceous glands might become clogged in everyone. Whatever your skin type, you have the ability to produce too much oil, which clogs pores and creates the perfect environment for bacteria to proliferate and for spots to appear.

We recently wrote a blog which gives a full review of recommended Dermalogica products for acne prone skin.

Dermalogica For Sensitive Skin

Dermalogica believe that knowledge is power when it comes to managing acne-prone skin and outbreaks! You will get much closer to clearing your skin of acne and breakouts if you understand the whats, whys, hows, and whichs of acne and breakout treatment. Even that friend of yours who always seems to have “beautiful” skin gets spots. Why? because sebaceous glands might become clogged in everyone. Whatever your skin type, you have the ability to produce too much oil, which clogs pores and creates the perfect environment for bacteria to proliferate and for spots to appear.

Dermalogica For Mature Skin

The popularity of skincare products designed specifically for ageing skin is trending!. The structure of your skin changes as you age, which might impact how your skin looks. How can you care for your ageing skin the best? Our skin naturally ages as we do. We accept those normal skin alterations. But we also want to maintain the health of our skin as we age. As we approach our 40s and 50s, fine lines and wrinkles are a normal part of the ageing process. Dermalogica have specifically designed products to help prevent the signs of ageing and we recommend them below:

Dermalogica FAQS

Is Dermalogica Paroban Free?

Dermalogica confirm on their website that all products are paraben free. Since 1986, the brands has continuously updated their formulas to be completely paraben free.

Is Dermalogica Gluten Free/Vegan?

The brand is not 100% vegan but is working towards achieving this status in the future.Dermalogica advis looking out for the vegan friendly symbol on products to determine the status. Only some of the skincare products are considered gluten free, which is highlighted by the gluten free symbol.