Happy Weekend All! Today we are talking about the five dermatologist skincare tips that Dr Skincare lives by, and tips that you too should also live by when looking to properly care for your skin. We have researched some Derma/Doctor do’s and don’ts when it comes to skincare products and we also suggest ways to take a more holistic approach to your skin care routine in this post.
1. Don’t Over Exfoliate

Over-exfoliation of your skin is a Dr Skincare and Dermatologist DON’T!!! Over-exfoliating can lead to sore, red, irritated, or sometimes even bruised skin. Most experts recommend that you only exfoliate your skin 2-3 times per week, as long as your skin can handle it. Signs that you are over-exfoliating include: inordinate smoothness and shine from the skin, peeling or flaking, redness and sometimes over-exfoliation can lead to acne inflammation. According to many skin experts, over-exfoliation is one of the biggest mistakes people can make in their skincare routine. A tip for exfoliating is to exfoliate in the morning. Overnight, your skin regenerates and repairs itself, whilst producing oils and dead skin cells, therefore, exfoliating in the morning helps to break down this build up and keep your skin clean and refreshed.

2. Don’t use the same products year-round
Now this one may come as a shock to some, but you really should not be using the same products year round. You should change your routine and products depending on the season. Just like the seasons change, so should your skin care routine! In summer, you need to be mindful of your sweat glands producing more oil which can lead to breakouts and clogged pores. In winter, you must be mindful of how cold weather can dehydrate the skin and disturb moisture balance. Therefore, your skin has different needs depending on what time of the year it is.
In summer, you should be focussing on products which hydrate but aren’t too heavy on the skin; lightweight moisturisers should be used and you absolutely must wear an SPF daily (this is a year-round product). In winter, you should swap to a cream cleanser, and when moisturising, use a heavier, richer moisturising product.
3. Eat Skin Superfoods

Foods rich in good fats are essential if you are looking to take more of a holistic approach to skin care. All of our Dr Skincare brands promote the importance of taking this holistic approach to skin care because looking after inside shows outside. Often our skin can react to the foods we eat if they are processed, high in artificial sugars or preservatives, or high in saturated fats. Thus, looking at your diet can be pivotal in reaping results from your skin care routine.
Some examples of some skin superfoods are chia seeds, walnuts, avocados and salmon. If you don’t know about Kim Kardashian’s infamous chia seed pudding which is a breakfast favourite of hers, then get to know! We can almost guarantee Kim knows all about how chia seeds help with skin health!

4. Stay holistically hydrated – drink water!
Staying hydrated and drinking plenty of water is another holistic skincare tip that dermatologists swear by. Water is essential for holistic hydration. It helps to keep your body hydrated, refreshed and helps to maintain your skin’s elasticity. There is research which suggests that those who drink plenty of water on a daily basis won’t show as many signs of ageing as those who do not. However, there are conflicting opinions on this when it comes to the experts.
Drinking water is not a quick fix for perfect, youthful skin and solely drinking water will not reduce signs of ageing, but following all the steps we have raised in this article AND drinking plenty of water will absolutely contribute to overall better skin health.

5. Use a Facial SPF
And last on our list of dermatologist skincare tips is wearing a facial SPF. And this is one that everyone should absolutely be doing already! Facial SPF is so important because it decreases your risk of sunburn, premature ageing and skin cancer. But not only that, facial SPF works to keep your complexion even as sun damage is one of the many causes of uneven skin tones and dark spots.
Protecting your skin against harmful UVA & UVB rays is one of the most important things you can do to protect your skin, ask any dermatologist or skin therapist and they will tell you the same. Additionally, we believe the many dermatologists who argue that moisturisers and SPFs should be separate products within a skin care routine. This is because many combined SPF/Moisturiser products do not have enough sunscreen in them to be effective, in other words, the main concern is getting the correct concentration of UVA/UVB on your skin. Getting the correct concentration of UVA/UVB on your skin with a combined product would often result in having to use copious amounts of the product on one area to be properly protected.
See a selection of our SPFs below:
These are some dermatologist skincare tips that Dr Skincare lives by. The key thing that we learned whilst carrying out this research is that dermatologists will often suggest taking a holistic approach to skincare. With our skin being the body’s largest organ, its ability to absorb is unmatched, thus, what we put into our bodies in terms of food and drink impacts our skin.
But it’s not all serWe decided to have some fun with this on TikTok… see below:
But… it’s not all serious, doom and gloom… we thought we could have some fun with this on TikTok – follow us on there for more! @drskincareuk