Who is Goldfaden MD?

Goldfaden MD is a skin care brand, founded by Dr Gary Goldfaden, and sisters-in-law Lisa and Lauren Goldfaden. Dr Goldfaden has been a dermatologist for over 40 years, receiving a medical degree from the University of Miami’s Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine and is a lifetime member of The American Academy of Dermatology. Dr Goldfaden is also a published author, publishing hundreds of articles related to dermatology and his brand, Goldfaden MD. After a positive experience with a dermatologist who was treating his skin for a rash, his own path towards dermatology was set. Since, Dr Goldfaden has become a credible expert on skin problems including early ageing, sun damage, and skin cancer. As Dr Goldfaden brings the medical and dermatological experience, his daughter Lisa and daughter-in-law Lauren, bring the strategic business experience. As co-founders, Lisa is the VP of Marketing and Lauren is VP of Sales, and we LOVE to see it! 

Brand Beginnings 

The brand was founded in 2013 by Dr Goldfaden, Lisa and Lauren with one vision, a skin care brand which pledged:

“No harm, no foul to your skin or the planet.”

Goldfaden MD (2022)

And that really is what the brand is all about. And as a result, a dermatologically developed brand which is built around environmentally and socially-conscious thinking was born. Dr Goldfaden wanted to create a brand of products which would replicate the clinical treatments he had been performing as a dermatologist for over 40 years. Additionally, Dr Goldfaden, Lisa and Lauren wanted to create a brand that catered to common skin care issues experienced by many consumers, whilst creating value for the modern consumer through their decisions to use only the cleanest and most natural ingredients that do not harm people or the planet. It’s no wonder that Goldfaden MD products are now sold in eight countries in over 1,000 beauty and luxury retailers. Dr Goldfaden is problem-solver, who puts the consumer first when seeking to address skin care concerns, match ingredients and create formulas; often personally mixing and testing ingredients for years before patient trials, lab testing and actually taking the products to market. So, it can be guaranteed that there was no rush in bringing Goldfaden MD from plan to fruition, which brings us the utmost confidence in recommending these products to you. We want science-backed skin care ALWAYS and this is exactly what Goldfaden MD is all about. 

Dr Goldfaden often refers to the ‘hero’ product as the Doctors Scrub, which was an example of his own mixing and matching of ingredients to create a microderm exfoliator whose main ingredient is ruby crystals. Dr Goldfaden has dedicated over 40 years of his career and life to research-driven innovation with an emphasis on holistic solutions. When embarking on product research, the team at Goldfaden MD quite literally scour the planet from the desserts to the seas looking for ingredients to be used. During this research and subsequent product development, the brand noted some key ingredients they actively avoid, including:

  • Silicone
  • Petrochemicals
  • Gluten
  • Mineral Oil
  • Parabens
  • Alcohol

Ultimately, distinguishing Goldfaden MD from a lot of these marketing-based skin care brands that are actively using these ingredients, and at times, a combination of these harmful ingredients across all of their product lines. Educating ourselves on this can help us in making the right decisions when it comes to purchasing new skin care products. We hope that you agree when we tell you that innovation is key to the Goldfaden MD brand when developing products and carrying out research across the world, as a result they create contemporary, innovative, natural skin care solutions which work effortlessly, but most importantly, effectively.  

Why it’s Dr Skincare 

In most interviews, Dr Goldfaden will tell you that as the skin is the body’s largest organ, it is capable of absorbing up to 60% of the ingredients and products that we use on it and when we think about it, this is exactly why we started this affiliate marketing website – to promote skin care brands who actually care about what we put on to the largest organ on our body, and subsequently, what we put into the environment as a result of our purchase. That’s why Dr Skincare believes in choosing the right brands – and Goldfaden MD is one of them. Dr Goldfaden, Lisa and Lauren have created a brand which rejects harsh, synthetic, inflammatory and irritative ingredients such as petrochemicals, parabens, mineral oil, synthetic fragrance, gluten, alcohol, and silicones. Since, Goldfaden MD has become a brand known for championing natural, innovative skin care solutions. But not only that, all of their product bottles are constructed with over 70% of recycled plastics. All of their product packaging boxes are made from 60% recycled paper and both are 100% recyclable when it comes to finishing the products and disposing of them. That’s just another reason why we KNOW you need to get on board with this brand – designed with the planet in mind. 

As a whole, Goldfaden MD is a Dr Skincare favourite, because not only are they protecting people through their commitment to using only clean and natural ingredients within their product formulas, but they are designing product packaging to be 100% recyclable and constructed from recycled materials. We love a conscious brand! Dr Skincare can guarantee that each Goldfaden MD product is dermatologically-tested, hypoallergenic, vegetarian and certified cruelty-free by peta, what more could we ask for? 

See all our most favourite Goldfaden MD products here.