Beyond the Scars: A Heartfelt Experience of Eczema and Growth

Disappointment in eczema

Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Napasorn Sae-Ngow, in this blog, I will be telling a tale about my own eczema experience, how I coped with it and my personalised skincare routine. Eczema has been my scar and I had experienced it for so long, until now it is just a tale for me.

A personal experience with Eczema

In 2019, just after graduating from high school and preparing for an exciting journey to the UK. My dreams were shattered by an allergic reaction to metal earrings. The ensuing eczema outbreak on her body and face plunged her into despair. The doctor’s grim words, “There is no cure for it,” amplified her distress. Witness my emotional rollercoaster as I navigate the sea of rashes and oozing liquid, ultimately diagnosed with nummular and atopic eczema. Overcoming the challenges of seeking medical assistance in a foreign land adds further complexity to my story.

Facing the harsh reality of eczema, I muster my own strength and embark on a quest for solutions. My relentless pursuit leads her to discover a myriad of medications and remedies to alleviate her condition. Learn about my personal transformation as I grapple with eczema for four long years, battling the physical and emotional toll it exacts. After two years of exhaustive research and personal trial and error, I unveil her understanding of eczema and its unique impact on facial skin. Delve into practical strategies, skincare routines, and tips tailored specifically for managing eczema on the face. With every word, I aim to empower readers, offering them the tools they need to navigate my own skincare journey. This section unveils the resilience and determination that enabled me to rise above the struggles and renewal.

The purpose of this blog post is to kindle empathy and understanding regarding eczema. I passionately shed light on the emotional and physical impact this condition can have on individuals. Gain valuable insights into the daily challenges faced by those with eczema, fostering empathy and compassion within readers. This section aims to create a strong connection between the audience and the narrative. Resonating with their own experiences or those of their loved ones. 

Identifying Eczema experience triggers:

Triggers play a significant role in the exacerbation of eczema symptoms. It is essential for individuals to identify and minimize their exposure to these triggers. In the case of facial eczema, common triggers often include harsh weather conditions, such as extreme temperatures or low humidity, which can lead to skin dryness and irritation. Personally, I experienced these triggers while studying in the UK. Additionally, allergens like pollen, dust mites, and pet dander. As well as irritants like certain skincare products or fragrances, can also contribute to flare-ups. It is important to note that factors such as stress, hormonal changes, and certain foods may further exacerbate symptoms. By recognizing and effectively managing these triggers, individuals can take proactive steps towards managing their eczema condition.

How eczema experience impact on Skincare Routine:

In my experience, living with facial eczema presents significant challenges when it comes to skincare. It is crucial for me to maintain a gentle and consistent skincare routine in order to effectively manage the symptoms. However, finding suitable products that do not aggravate my eczema can be quite daunting. Individuals with eczema-prone skin, like myself, often struggle with a compromised skin barrier. Which emphasizes the necessity of selecting products that are free from harsh chemicals, fragrances, and potential irritants. Furthermore, I have found that moisturization plays a vital role in managing my eczema, as it helps to lock in moisture and soothe my skin. Incorporating a moisturizer specifically formulated for sensitive skin has been instrumental in alleviating dryness and discomfort in my case.

The emotional experiences:

Living with eczema on the face can have a profound impact on emotional well-being. The visible symptoms, including redness, patches, and lesions, often contribute to feelings of self-consciousness and diminished self-esteem. Personally, I have experienced a great deal of embarrassment and shame, feeling judged and misunderstood by others. Particularly during instances of yellow liquid oozing and the subsequent scarring. The presence of extensive scars on my body and face has caused significant embarrassment, prompting me to carefully select clothing that covers these areas. The constant struggle to conceal or manage flare-ups can lead to heightened anxiety and frustration, affecting personal relationships and overall quality of life.

During periods when I have eczema, I have found it challenging to sleep peacefully. The persistent itchiness can be quite severe, often resulting in insomnia. The itching sensation tends to intensify at night, making it difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position. The irresistible urge to scratch further exacerbates the symptoms, leading to increased irritation and inflammation. This cycle of itching, scratching, and disrupted sleep creates a vicious cycle that heightens stress and emotional strain. Moreover, the appearance of eczema on the face contributes to self-consciousness and anxiety. Which can be particularly detrimental when attempting to relax and fall asleep. The thoughts and concerns regarding how others perceive the visible symptoms persist, making it harder to unwind and attain restful sleep. The lack of quality sleep due to eczema-related issues significantly impacts overall well-being.

Personalised skincare routine:

Throughout my extensive journey in search of suitable skincare products. I have come to realize the crucial role that proper skincare plays in managing eczema. The consequences of neglecting my skincare routine were evident as my skin became excessively dry, leading to frequent and distressing flare-ups. Recognizing the significance of this issue. I made it a priority to meticulously select appropriate skin care products and establish an effective routine. Considering the conspicuous nature of facial eczema, addressing its symptoms became paramount, as concealing it from others proved to be an ongoing challenge.

When it comes to finding the perfect skincare products, I adhere to a fundamental principle: simplicity. I firmly believe in keeping my skincare routine as streamlined as possible, ensuring that each step serves a specific purpose.

Allow me to share my straightforward and effective skincare routine with you:

⭐️ Step 1: Cleanser

The cleanser that has proven to be exceptionally suitable for my skin over the past four years is the “Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser.” This particular product features a gel-like texture that leaves my skin feeling thoroughly hydrated upon application. Its gentle formulation ensures effective cleansing without stripping the skin of essential moisture.

⭐️ Step 2: Moisturiser

After extensive research and recommendations from fellow eczema sufferers, I encountered a moisturizer that proved to be a game-changer for me. The highly regarded and widely recommended product is the “CeraVe Moisturizing Cream.” I can personally attest to its efficacy and am delighted to say that it lives up to the hype. This moisturizer offers exceptional hydration and boasts a remarkably smooth texture, leaving my skin feeling nourished and replenished. I wholeheartedly endorse the “CeraVe Moisturizing Cream” and encourage you to give it a try yourself.

⭐️ Step 3: Sunscreen

To be honest, it wasn’t until last year that I began incorporating sunscreen into my skincare routine. Due to my previous struggles with eczema on my face, I initially limited myself to just a couple of products. However, I decided to explore sunscreen options, and that’s when I discovered a Japanese sunscreen that truly worked wonders for me. The product I highly recommend is the “La Roche Posay Anthelios XL SPF 50+ Ultra-Light Fluid.” It has got a very nice watery texture and it is very lightweight. Moreover, I have not experienced any adverse reactions to this sunscreen. Nevertheless, considering its effectiveness and the benefits it offers, I wholeheartedly believe it’s a must-try for anyone in search of a reliable sunscreen option.


As evident from my skincare routine, simplicity has been key in effectively managing my facial eczema, particularly during flare-ups. However, beyond the products I use, I have adopted a personal rule that has proven invaluable: maintaining a positive mindset and refusing to let eczema bring me down. I remind myself that I am not alone in this journey, as there are numerous individuals who also face the challenges of living with eczema.

It is comforting to know that there is a supportive community online where I can seek guidance and learn from others’ experiences in managing their eczema. The internet has become an essential resource for me to discover various strategies and treatments employed by individuals facing similar struggles. By staying informed and connected, I continuously gather valuable insights to incorporate into my own eczema management approach.

Lastly, skin care routines vary greatly from person to person, as different individuals have unique needs and reactions to various ingredients. It is important to recognize that what works for one person may not work for another due to differences in skin type and sensitivity. Finding the right skincare products and ingredients is a personal journey that often involves experimentation and adapting to individual preferences. So if you would like some more eczema skincare routine tips, you can click here!

Click here, to find out more about who also suffers from eczema the same as YOU! You are not alone!

Written by: Napasorn Sae-Ngow