Eczema: You are not alone!

celebrities also suffer with eczema

Does the word “embarrassment” always comes to your mind when you have eczema?


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Welcome to our inclusive community for individuals facing the challenges of living with eczema. We acknowledge that this chronic skin condition affects people from all walks of life, including celebrities. Through this blog, we aim to explore their experiences, highlighting their courage in sharing their stories and inspiring others in similar situations. Join us as we navigate the highs and lows, explore treatment options, and share valuable advice for managing flare-ups. Remember, there is no such thing as embarrassment when you have eczema. Also, there’s no need to feel embarrassed about having eczema—it doesn’t define you.

5 celebrities that don’t even have any embarrassment when it comes to eczema:



Adele has openly shared her personal struggle with eczema, a chronic skin condition that affects millions of individuals worldwide. Despite her success, Adele has experienced the challenges of managing eczema. Which has motivated her to develop an effective skincare routine. Therefore, understanding the importance of a tailored approach to skincare for eczema-prone skin is essential.

Her personal experience with eczema has been both frustrating and inspiring. She has openly discussed her struggles, highlighting the physical and emotional toll the condition can take. Adele’s determination to find relief led her to explore different skincare approaches and products specifically tailored for eczema care. Her journey serves as a reminder that managing eczema requires patience, persistence, and a willingness to adapt one’s skincare routine to suit individual needs. At the end of her journey, she concluded that embarrassment during her eczema journey makes it even worse.

Kate Middleton

Kate Middleton

The 37-year-old Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, had eczema as a teenager.

According to the Duchess’s friend Jessica Hay, Kate experienced severe bullying when attending the Downe House girls’ boarding school. Middleton’s bullies, according to Hay, teased her about her eczema. Hay told CelebNow, “It didn’t help that she was so tall and self-conscious about her eczema.”

Jessica Simpson

Jessica Simpson

Jessica Simpson revealed in a People interview from 2020 that she’s had eczema since she was a child, however as a teenager, she used to convince people it was just a rash from the Texas heat. She eventually decided to partner with the company Eucrisa, which makes a prescription eczema cream, after it returned after giving birth to her third child, Birdie, in a way she couldn’t ignore.

“Eric was taking pictures and I was like, ‘You cannot send those to anybody. I cannot believe the bumps on my arms.’ And I called my doctor immediately. He prescribed Eucrisa. And I will say that in two weeks it worked incredibly,” she said. “I used it for three months and now I’ve noticed here and there I’ll have a flare-up and I’ll just put Eucrisa on for a week or two and it will be gone.”

Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt

Not all famous people with eczema are female. Back in 2007, Cate Blanchett said in an interview with Scotland’s Daily Record that Brad Pitt experienced severe breakouts as a result of the makeup he had to wear while they were filming The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.

According to Cate (via India Times), “We were talking about what we were going to do because our skin was taking a beating.” She added that both Brad and his ex-wife Angelina Jolie tested out the moisturising lotions she carried with her to cope with and support their eczema without any embarrassment.

Kelly Rowland

Kelly Rowland

Although Kelly Rowland didn’t develop eczema until after giving birth to her oldest son, Titan, she revealed to Allure that emu oil is her go-to remedy for the skin disease.

She said: “I actually never had eczema until I had Titan. I started to get it up my back and I asked my doctor, ‘Why is this happening to me?’ They said it was a hormonal stress thing.”

The Journey to Overcoming Eczema-Related Embarrassment

Even famous people, who in the public eye frequently appear faultless and untouchable, can get eczema. The reality is that eczema is merely a skin illness and the fact that it affects the wealthy and famous serves as a reminder that anyone can get it. We may dispel stereotypes and false beliefs about eczema by acknowledging that even celebrities have experienced its difficulties. It enables us to accept the fact that eczema is a common and manageable ailment that many people handle with elegance and confidence rather than something to be afraid of or ashamed of.

If you are having a troubled time going through your eczema right now, click here to read about Napasorn’s eczema personal journey, how she coped with it and her skincare routine. We are here to provide support to everyone who suffers from eczema. Embarrassment is just a word, eczema is just a skin condition, you can get through this. You are not alone in this journey.

Find out more information about the eczema skincare routine here!


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