How To Have A Glow Up

The phrase ‘glow up’ is popular on social media, specifically on TikTok. Hundreds of videos have been created, showcasing how content creators take certain steps to glow up. The term is so wide, and a glow up can mean different things to different people. Maybe you think of glow up as a way to feel and look better, or maybe you think of it as a way to act better. Whatever your definition of glow up is, there are multiple steps you can take to achieve your glow up.

One way to glow up is to take care of yourself – internally and externally. Chances are that if you feel good, you will look good. One way to boost your mood and confidence is to have a glow up. It does not need to be extreme and you do not need to make any drastic changes. Here are some easy ways you can have glow up quickly and painlessly to feel the best.

Skincare and Beauty Changes

The first easy step to a glow up includes beauty and skincare changes. Perhaps you feel a little less confident because your skin is breaking our? Or maybe you feel insecure about the dark circles underneath your eyes? Both of these things are completely normal, and you do not need to cover it up. But if it helps your confidence, then it can be a good thing to try.

A proper skincare routine equals a healthy- and good-looking skin. If you struggle with acne, scarring, dry skin or oily skin there are different products you can try. As long as you are able to identify your skin type and your skin need, you can tailor a routine to perfectly take care of your skin. If you are uncertain about you skin type check out this article on how to find your skin type.

Another thing you can experience with is beauty products and makeup. Makeup products can be used to cover pimples, scarring, dark circles or other impurities. Choosing the right products and colours for you can turn into such a confidence boost. Not only can it cover your insecurities, but also provide feelings of fun and luxury – you can pretend to be a glamourous celebrity being pampered before a movie premiere.

Finally, you can also try out a new clothing style. Experiment with new styles, colours and shapes. You will never truly know what suits you until you have tried different things. But most importantly, make sure to wear clothes you feel confident in and clothes that accentuate your favourite features.

Lifestyle Changes

In addition to implementing skincare and beauty changes, you can try these lifestyle changes to glow up. A glow up does not only have to focus on aesthetics – on how you look. It can also focus on how you feel. It is important to feel good about yourself, to have a happy and confident mindset. Here are some ways you can glow up to feel great about yourself in your own body.

Firstly, exercising. Moving your body is important. It can help you tone your body and lose weight, but also clear your head and give you energy. You do not have to go to the gym every day and lift weights or run a marathon. Just going on a walk, or playing tennis or hiking is enough. You can also do easy yoga or pilates exercises from the comfort of your own home.

Drink water! Hydration is key to glow up. The recommended amount of water intake is 3 Liters a day, and if you manage this you will feel better. There are many benefits to staying hydrated such as glowing skin.

Next, watch your eating habits. Eating healthy, nutritious food is important in taking care of yourself. Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants that can give you that glowing skin you are looking for. When you are eating healthy, you will also feel healthier overall and have more energy.

Reduce screen time. If you spend too much time online or watching television, chances are your mood and energy levels will be affected. Often times social media or news provide too much negativity that you don’t need, especially not when you are trying to glow up. Take the time to do the hobbies you enjoy instead of mindlessly scrolling on your phone. Additionally, a reduction in screentime will make it easier for you to fall asleep at night.

Finally, get enough sleep. This is one of the most important parts of any glow up. When you get the amount of sleep you need, you will wake up feeling refreshed and energetic. A good night’s sleep can increase your mood too. An additional tip is to implement a good evening skincare routine right before you go to bed, so that the products can sink into your skin overnight. That way, you will wake up rested with the ultimate glowing skin.

Be Kind To Yourself!

A glow up is more than skincare, beauty and lifestyle changes. The most important part of a glow up is taking care of yourself and being kind to yourself. Be mindful, set goals and increase your own confidence from within. Be kind to yourself and others around you. Remember that you are a nice person, that you are kind and caring and deserving of everything good.

Do the things you like and surround yourself with positivity, that way you will be happier. Your happiness is what is important. You can boost this by hanging out with friends and loved ones, or partaking in your favourite hobbies.

Lastly, remember that a glow up is only for you. It is not for you to please others, but for you to take care of yourself and feel great in your own mind and body. You can either implement all the tips in this article or none, just do what you feel is right for you.