Introduction to Murad Skin Care

Dr Howard Murad, known for his award winning  Murad Cosmetics and Skincare range, is a brand that Dr Skincare could not live without. And for that reason, we feel it’s extremely important to introduce you to his story and tell you exactly why we believe Howard Murad is a skincare veteran and pioneer, who undeniably paved the way for modern Doctor Skin Care Brands.

Humble Beginnings

Dr Howard Murad MD is a skincare veteran, but in the beginning, he was the youngest of six siblings born to parents in Iraq, fleeing Baghdad as a family in 1946 and immigrating to New York to begin life in a completely different country. Humble beginnings paved the way for an extraordinary career, but the path, as with many stories, was not just as straightforward. Upon the completion of medical school and an internship, Dr Howard Murad, with the hopes of becoming a surgeon, was sent to serve in the Vietnam War, treating the wounded and prioritising patients to be sent to the Mobile Army Surgical Hospital. However, Dr Murad’s dreams of becoming a surgeon at this point had changed due to many unimaginably intense and traumatic experiences during war. 

As a result, Dr Howard Murad’s interests in dermatology peaked. After the completion of his dermatology residency at UCLA’s VA Hospital, Dr Murad started to practice in his very own, very modest 400-square-foot Murad Clinic, which grew quickly over the next few years. During this time, he began to understand that skincare and cosmetology issues were closely related to the physical and mental wellbeing of his patients, which proved pivotal to the positioning and success of his career in the skincare and cosmetology industry. 

Brand Beginnings…

In the 1980s Howard Murad MD had opened the first medi-spa, a spa which combines clinical care and beauty treatments, yet the term was not coined until 1991, proving this pioneer has always been ahead of the game. And in 1989, at the age of 50, Dr Howard Murad introduced the first Dr-led skin care brand, Murad Inc. – his own range of skincare products, which at first, were not well-received and launching a Dr/Dermatologist skin care brand was a decision that he had been advised against by many of his peers, including respected physicians. Despite this, perseverance and belief in the products he was creating was crucial to the success that Murad Inc. has achieved today.  

And the success does not stop there… In 1998, Dr Howard Murad was recognised for his research, unique scientific discoveries and for commitment to the advanced treatment of skin, and as a result, he received his first of 19 patents. Dr Murad is also well-known for his breakthrough research which sought to understand the role of hydration on supporting and maintaining youthfulness of the skin (The Water Principle). The Cellular Water Principle is tried and tested through scientifically controlled research studies and found that the most common dermatological and health problems related directly to cellular hydration. In 2003, Murad began research into Cultural Stress ™ as a defining factor which contributes to chronic exhaustion, the overall declining health of people of all ages, and of course, confirming that stress negatively impacts skin health.

Murad: The First Clinical Skin Care Brand

Our website is an affiliate marketing website dedicated to Doctor and Derma-led skin care brands, and it would be just rude of us not to include the first brand of its kind. In 1989 Dr Howard Murad changed the game with Murad Inc. setting the standard for high performance skin care. Not only that, but Dr Howard Murad is also committed to science-backed wellness and acknowledging the harms that are evoked as a result of stress. So, the message from Murad isn’t all about buying the products, it’s about changing your lifestyle – committing to your health, because our health is our wealth. But how? Through self-care, skin care and all-round better life care. With Dr. Murad himself summarising it for us in this quote:

“Skincare is not superficial because it is healthcare. When you have beautiful skin, it is a sign that you have a healthy body and mind.”

  (Murad, 2022)

And when you really think about it, it’s so true! Because our skin is often the first place which can alert us to when something isn’t quite right, whether that’s because of allergies, hormones or underlying health conditions, our skin lets us know. And Dr Howard Murad’s research proves it. That’s why this is brand that we trust.

Why Murad?

This brand isn’t just another skincare brand, this brand was created by someone with the highest level of medical and dermatology experience. Dr Murad is recognised globally for his life-long commitment to human wellness backed by science and interestingly he is not only a skincare and wellness expert, but also an author and painter whose legacy will continue to be his passion towards people. From his past, working with those injured in the Vietnam war, to more recently, working with the stars on their skin, we challenge you to find a more qualified person to be overseeing the ingredients and products which go on your face! Our point is, without Dr Murad’s distinguished education and tireless commitment to human wellbeing and skin health, there would be no brand and that’s why Dr Skincare absolutely adore and wholeheartedly approve Murad cosmetics and skincare products and Howard Murad himself!

Click here for all Dr Skincare’s most cherished Murad products.