Easy Skincare Guide For Men

Whether you are working outside or in an office, taking care of your skin is more important than you may think. Taking good care of your skin can reduce pimples and redness, it helps prevent dryness, and keeps your skin looking young. A skincare routine does not need to be complex and include a lot of steps with a bunch of different products. We are here to inform you that an ideal skincare routine, can consist of only three steps, and still give you the outcome you are looking for. This guide includes step by step instructions with recommendations of what products you can use in each step for both a morning, and evening routine. However, it is important to note that these are just examples of products you can use. You can mix and match any other brand into your own personal skincare routine. 

Morning routine:

Step 1: Cleanser

The first step in this routine is cleanser. Washing your face with a cleanser is much more beneficial than just washing your face with water. This can be compared to how you should normally wash your hands. If your hands are dirty, washing them with just water won’t be as effective as when you add soap. However, washing your face with just water is better than not washing your face at all. Washing your face helps get rid of all the dirt and bacteria that is working its way further into your skin to create issues such as pimples, redness and dryness. 

Washing your face should be the first step in your morning routine. This is to help get rid of the products you applied the evening before, and create a clean surface for your new applications. For this particular step we recommend you use a CeraVe cleanser. CeraVe has multiple cleansers to choose from so this is up to the individual based on their skin type. It is important that the cleanser matches your skin to ensure best results possible. You start off by applying water to your face to create a moist surface. After that you apply 1-2 pumps of the cleanser into your hands and start working that into your skin. You finish off by washing the cleanser off with water and patting your face dry with a facial cloth or a towel. More information on our cleansers can be found here. 

Step 2: Moisturiser

The next step in your morning routine is moisturiser. For this step we also recommend you use CeraVe. This is a gentle and light moisturiser that applies to any skin type. Applying moisturiser is important to help hydrating your skin. It also helps keep your skin soft, reduce dryness, redness and help reduce wrinkles. How you use it just by adding 2-3 pumps in your hands, depending on what moisturiser you use, and applying it all over your face. It is also important to drag the moisturiser from your face down to your neck. This is because the neck is one of the first places on a human’s body that starts physically aging. So, taking care of your neck is important to keep a smooth transition from your face down to your neck and makes you look younger. More information on our moisturiser can be found here. 

Step 3: Sunscreen

The last step in your morning routine is sunscreen. This is a very important step, especially if you work outside and are often exposed to the sun. For sunscreen, we either recommend you use CeraVe if you wish to keep it simple by only using products from the same brand. However, La Roce-Posay is also an excellent brand when it comes to sunscreen, so we do recommend you consider taking a look into this brand as well. Sunscreen is applied on top of your moisturiser as the very last step in your routine. If you include more steps in your routine, we recommend you always save the sunscreen for last. Sunscreen helps protect the skin from the sun, which helps prevent, sunburn, wrinkles, cancer and so on. It is a very important step to include, even if don’t plan on spending hours in the sun. The sunscreen is applied in a generous amount all over your face and down your neck. We also recommend you use a sunscreen that is specifically made to be applied to your face. This was you ensure the best result possible, and don’t have to worry about it greasing and becoming sticky. More information on our sunscreens can be found here. 

Evening routine:

Step 1: Cleanser

The first step in your evening routine is to wash your face with a cleanser. This is to wash off all the dirt and bacteria, as well as remove the products you applied in the morning. For this step you can use the same cleanser from your morning routine.

Step 2: Moisturiser

The second, and last step, in your evening routine is moisturiser. After you have cleansed your face and patted it dry with a facial cloth or towel, apply a generous amount of moisturiser to you face and neck. This is to help soothe your face after a long day and work its magic overnight. For this step you can also use the same moisturiser from your morning routine.

These steps will help you on your way to protect your skin and keep it happy and healthy. This is an easy guide so feel free to add any extra steps and personalise your routine based on your skin and preferences. These products will appear invisible on your skin and you will not be able to see that you are wearing any products, besides the clean and smooth surface you eventually will get as a result. It is important to remember that it is going to take time before you start seeing results. However, if it takes too long, try switching up the products in your routine and make sure they fit your skin type. It is important to note that the products who work for others, may not work for you. Once you get the result you wanted, it is important to continue doing your skincare routine every day to uphold these results.