How To Recover From Sunburn? Essential Tips For Summer


Sunburn, a common skin condition caused by overexposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation, can put a damper on your summer fun. When the skin is exposed to excessive UV rays, it can become red, painful, and inflamed, resulting in sunburn.

Properly recovering from sunburned skin is crucial for minimising discomfort and preventing long-term complications. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore effective strategies and tips to repair and soothe your skin after sunburn, allowing you to bounce back quickly and enjoy the rest of your summer.

No matter how mild, every burn is a sign of injury to your skin that can result in premature aging and skin cancer.

The Skin Cancer Foundation, 2023

Act promptly to minimise sunburn damage

When you notice the signs of sunburn, such as redness, pain, or blistering, taking immediate action can help minimise the extent of the damage. Follow these steps:

  • Seek shade or indoors: Move to a shaded area or indoors to protect your skin from further sun exposure.
  • Cool compresses: Apply cool, damp compresses or take a refreshing cool bath to soothe the burned skin and reduce inflammation.
  • Stay hydrated: Sunburn can cause dehydration, so drink plenty of water to replenish fluids and prevent further complications.

Embrace the power of natural remedies


Natural ingredient offers several remedies that can aid in sunburn recovery without over-reliance on commercial products. Consider the following natural approaches:

  • Aloe vera gel: Apply pure aloe vera gel extracted from the plant to the affected area. Aloe vera has soothing properties that help alleviate pain and inflammation.
  • Cucumber slices: Place chilled cucumber slices on the sunburn skin to provide a cooling sensation and reduce redness.
  • Tea bags: Soak black or green tea bags in cool water, then gently press them onto the burned skin. The tannins in tea can soothe sunburn skin.

Opt for gentle moisturisers and creams for sunburn skin

After cooling the skin, focus on moisturising and nourishing it to promote healing and prevent dryness. Consider these gentle options:

  • Hydrating moisturisers: Use fragrance-free, hypoallergenic moisturisers to lock in moisture and relieve dryness.
  • Calamine lotion: Apply calamine lotion to soothe itching and reduce inflammation. It also helps in drying out any oozing blisters.
  • Oatmeal bath: Taking an oatmeal bath can provide relief for sunburn skin. Grind oatmeal into a fine powder and sprinkle it into a lukewarm bath. Soak for 15-20 minutes to soothe the skin.

Incorporate nourishing foods into your diet for sunburn recovery

Proper nutrition is vital for skin recovery. Include the following foods in your diet to promote healing and reduce inflammation:

  • Hydrating fruits: Consume water-rich fruits like watermelon, berries, and citrus fruits to replenish fluids and provide essential vitamins and antioxidants.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: Incorporate foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, walnuts, and flaxseeds, to reduce inflammation and support skin health.
  • Colourful vegetables: Eat a variety of colourful vegetables like spinach, kale, and carrots that are packed with antioxidants and promote tissue repair.

Take preventive measures for future protection

Preventing future sunburns is as crucial as recovering from the current one. Adopt these preventive measures:

  • Broad-spectrum sunscreen: Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an appropriate SPF to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Reapply every two hours and after swimming or sweating.

Learn more about Tinted Sunscreen here.

  • Protective clothing: Wear lightweight, long-sleeved shirts, wide-brimmed hats, and UV-blocking sunglasses to shield your skin from direct sunlight.
  • Seek shade during peak hours: Avoid prolonged sun exposure between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. when the sun’s rays are the strongest.

Recovering from sunburn skin requires a proactive approach and proper care. By promptly taking action, embracing natural remedies, using gentle moisturizers, nourishing your body with a healthy diet, and implementing preventive measures, you can effectively repair and soothe your skin after sunburn. Remember to prioritise sun protection in the future to prevent further damage and enjoy a safe and enjoyable summer season.

Explore further “6 sun exposure myths that are damaging your skin

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